Does People Like People who tell the truth

image from google : truth

Truth is always bitter because it reflects deep insecurities that most people suppress, hide and run from. When faced with such a truth, they feel ashamed, exposed and vulnerable which leads to them lashing out at the messengers of such truth.

In effect, it’s not the person telling the truth they have a problem with. The actual problem is their inability to face the truth. So they ignore the truth and instead focus on ‘shooting the messenger’. It’s a defense mechanism that helps them deflect from the truth because it’s too painful. Society doesn’t encourage Truth, because it’s principles of morality judge and criticize, making people feel ashamed of their truths.

So people are forced to live a lie, running and hiding from their truth so they can ‘fit in’ with the crowds. So when people are suddenly faced with the their truth, their first instinct is to deny, blame and resent the messengers of truth. So Don’t take it personally. It’s not you they dislike. It’s the truth they dislike.

People dislike people who tell the truth because it forces them to have to face it, too. Some people just aren’t willing to do that. Some of their core values and beliefs are centered in falsehoods that they’ve grown comfortable in relying on and having someone come in and shake that up or rattle those beliefs is like letting a bull loose in an antique shop.

Those beliefs are antiques in a sense, they’re priceless, they’ve been passed down from generations, and having someone come in and say that they aren’t worth anything is like finding yourself on the losing end of an Antiques Roadshow episode. Probably not a good feeling especially if it’s a live show..

Then having to ride home with your beloved aunt Greta’s teapot in tow in the backseat that is now appraised and valued to be worthless after banking it was worth a small fortune, is in a sense having to confront that your ideals and beliefs are wrong and have been, which then means that you have to accept that you were lied to and fooled for years… No one wants to do that. So this is why people dislike when others speak the truth. Hope you understood my analogy. If not, than my apologies.

Those people usually have problems facing things in themselves. Sometimes the cold, hard facts can be scary to those that refuse to see their world for what it is. They truly “can’t handle the truth”.

Please accept the truth. Don’t to lie the other people.

Source :

24 Replies to “Does People Like People who tell the truth”

  1. I think that most of the people dislike the one who tells the truth 🤔

  2. Love to read this article. You’re right people dislike telling the truth but all of we value the truth and like to do the truth.

  3. ပြိုင်တူတွန်းလျှင်ရွှေ့နိူင်ပါသည်
    ကြိုးစားကြစို့ ဧရာသားများ

  4. ယုံတည်မှုဆိုတာတည်ဆောက်ရခက်တယ်

  5. ”Don’t define your world in black and
    white because there is so much hiding amongst the greys.”

    While reading this article,I suddenly think of this quote.😊✌️

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